Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Melancholic Ecstacy

So this is my very first weblog.

Why am I starting it - to jot down the thoughts that occur randomly to my mind at different times. Somehow I have the feeling that someone out there might just feel in a similar manner and that might help us propagate the madness!!

I had first decided that I won't make this into a diary of my daily deeds (or mis-deeds). But then I also feel that if I try and post here everyday (which I intend to do) then probably it SHOULD contain the daily details - boring at times as it may be, but accurate and insightful none-the-less.

Is there anything behind the name? Nothing in particular other than that it is the name of a musical piece composed by "Indian Ocean" and one of my favourite phrases. It can mean a lot of things. Too bad that I am not so well equipped to write down what all the phrase conjures up in my mind. Will try that on a later day I'm sure.

So let me see... when did I get up this morning? What did I do first? What toothpaste did I use?.... Huh! Just joking. Just suffice to say that the day has kind of started like most other days. Nothing worth the mention in particular. The first thought of the day? Watergate! Yes. I had made a quiet promise to myself. That I will try and find out as much as possible about the scandal. And after having read about it from various sources for the past 4 hours, I find it quite a damp-squib! And this realization has left me with a feeling of disgust, terror and helplessness. What was an unprecedented even in '74 is so commonplace now. If Watergate has given birth to "investigative journalism", it has also given so many people such a grand idea. An idea to misutilize their power - and the "Do's and Don'ts" so as to escape scrutiny. If only Nixon were to be a present day president of any country. His actions wouldn't have even raised an eyebrow. Because now it is an accepted practice. If you have the power - show that you have it.

More to come soon..


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