Sunday, February 18, 2007


Almost two years since my last (which actually was only the second) entry! As is usual in todays' world, a lot has changed since those days - but not surprisingly either, a lot has remained the same. The sun still rises in the east and sets in the west. And the moment the sun rises, it is time for a lot of us to forcefully pull ourselves out of our slumber (my alarm clock has still not changed!) and try to feel motivated enough to set out for work. So with so many things still the same, I thought - what the heck, let me contiue with this same blog instead of creating a new one. After all, it will be the same people who will NOT read it and so how does it matter?

But then, I have changed. Much to my surprise. Not too sure whether it is for the good or bad. Dont know if it will result in happiness or misery.. but the fact remains that I have changed. From someone who was a "well-settled" city dweller in one of the most culturally rich metros in the world to an "unsettled" inhabitant in the financial capital of this country. From a peaceloving and lazy neighbourhood guy, to a restless and enthusiast motor biker. Did i really want this change in myself? Yes and No. For one, a lot of the change was triggered off by some irreversible events in my life that has kind of made me feel that i am not the same person anymore. And that i could not stay back in the same city any more, that i needed to change my job. And the rest of things kind of followed each other - a new job, a new city, a new hobby, a new set of friends, new food habits, and new nightmares!

So what does change do to a person? Why are some of us more averse to change than others? What makes us want to change the world but not welcome the slightest of changes in our own lives?

The first and most important thing that change does to a person is that it makes it easy for us to use public transport. I mean have you ever tried using your credit card on a public bus? It never works! If we need to travel in the bus or the train or trams for that matter - you need loose change.

However, these days most of us are getting used to wearing tight fitting jeans and even tighter fitting clothes which makes a passer by wonder how the hell did we get in to that piece of clothing in the first place? And if you are the person who wears such clothing, then obviously you would not like to carry change. It is so cumbersome and difficult!

The above observations bring us to the more important third question (no.. actually i asked this question before.. but nonetheless) - why do we want to change the world but not welcome change in our own life? Well the question is rhetorical really. Why should WE have to change? Why can't the world adapt to us? See?

More later... because i need to change - into more comfortable evening wear.

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