Thursday, August 30, 2007

Stop the change now !

Ok Ok !! Enough of change. I have so much of change in my pocket (read life) now that if i were to fall in a water body, I would sink like a fork!!! Yeah.. so much of change has definitely added to my weight (well.. that was a well-disguised attempt to hide the fact that I have been gaining weight otherwise.. but i guess the toughest thing to do is to hide one's weight-gains!!).

It seems that there are too many changes in my life at this point in time.. in fact so much that a new surge of change comes and hits me even before the previous wave of change is over yet! Talk about sea changes!! I was near the Bay of Bengal, then hopped across near the Arabian Sea and now again I am no where near a water body. The seas.. they are a changin!

Ok so let's try and change the topic now. Oh Gawd !!! Another change! But now that i have said it, i guess I cant change tracks.. 'cos i am actually trying to stop the challenge of changes for some time now! So no change!! .. err.. i mean .. a change in topic.. or .. now what exactly am i trying to say here!! ok.. forget it!!!